Hurricanes Case
- The 1935 Labor Day Hurricane Shelf -
Page 13
This page by Jerry Wilkinson
- The Cremation -

Earlier I mentioned the necessity for speed
of operations. On September 6, 1935, the governor ordered cremation of
the dead to prevent pestilence. Gas masks were being used and antiseptic
practices were strictly enforced.
This ceremony was at Snake Creek. A rabbi,
priest, protestant minister, civilian official and National Guardsman
officiated at all cremations.
Gasoline, oil or both were used to ignite
the pyre.
Military honors were given
for all even though some were not identified.
The traditional rifle salute.
And the pyre was ignited.
Markers of various sizes and kinds
were placed at each cremation site. Reasonably accurate records were maintained.
Continued on Page 14
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