History of Marathon
Marathon Restaurants
By Jerry Wilkinson
The following is an eclectic collection of some of the
early Marathon
eating places. They are shown in no particular sequence and as images
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Operated by John and Doris Day

The story goes the Drop Anchor was built from a couple of Civilian
Corps barracks brought from Summerland Key by Dean and Carol Brigham in
the 1940s.



The Hickory after Hurricane Donna.


Overseas Lodge and Court after Hurricane Donna, 1960


Operated by Jeanette and Dale Bratton 1957 to 1977

The Seilers moved to Marathon in 1946. The Capt. Seiler Roundhouse
Restaurant opened about 1951, then became The Thomas-Seiler Chris-Craft
Agency about 1956. Later Gerald Murphy operated it as a grocery store
and so forth..

At once a Drive-In, the South Seas was operated by Walter Trandell.



This was on Grassy Key.
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