General History of Indian Key
Jacob Housman' Ships
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By Jerry WilkinsonThe following information is from the National Archives and is presented in no particular sequence. A Certificate of Enrollment restricts trade to coastline whereas a Certificate of Registry permits coastline of foreign trade. The author cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the following data, however it was derived from documents from the National Archives. Ms. Jane Smith of the Social and Economic Branch signed the documents at various times during 1965 and were on a GSA WASH 62-12753-1 form.
Enrollment number 20 at Charleston, S.C. on July 23, 1825. Built in 1821 at Havershaw, N.Y, a schooner of 46 76/95 tons, 56' of length, 19' breadth, 6' depth, one deck, two masts, type of head of man bust and a square stern, The previous owner shown was William Barker and the "vessel lost" and document surrendered at Key West on April 9, 1827.BRILLANT
Registry number 9 at Key West on June 25, 1836. Built in 1828 at Islip, N.Y., a sloop of 54 84/94 tons, 60' 10" of length, 21' 4" of breadth, 5' 1" of depth, one deck, one mast, Billet type head and a square stern. Many previous owners; Jacob Housman May 30, 1837 to July 2, 1839; Jacob Housman, Henry Goodyear and George Taylor July 92 1839 to ??? No date, place or reason for the enrollment.FAIR AMERICAN
Registry not shown and three enrollments at Key West, 1833 to 1835. Built in 1831 at Somerset, Md., a schooner of 33 33/95 tons, 48' length, 15' breadth, 5'5" depth, one deck, two masts, no figure head and a square stern. Previous owner Oliver O'Hara, Jacob Housman, David Cold St???, January 15, 1834 to January 19, 1835. Jacob Housman, sole owner, January 19, 1835 to may 19, 1837. Enrollment on May 19, 1837, endorsed "sold to foreigners."JOHN DENNISON
Registry number 3, February 4, 1836; three enrollments 1833 to 1835. Built in 1825 at Stonington, Conn., a schooner of 59 41/95 tons, 48' length, 19' 6" breadth, 6' 9" depth, one deck, two masts, Billet head and a square stern. Previous owner 0. O'Hara of Key West, Jacob Housman December 2, 1833 to January 6, 1835. Same plus David Cold, January 9, 1835 to at least February 4, 1836. Place, date and reason of registry surrender not of record usually indicating sold to an alien, wrecked outside of the U.S., or condemned at a foreign port.KEY WEST
Enrollment and registry various from 183,7 to 1848. Built in 1837 at Bridgeport, Conn., a sloop of 90 85/95 tons, 70' length, 22'4" breadth, 6' 10" depth, one deck, one mast, Billet head and a square stern. Previous owners, Titus Mather, Walter Smith and Peter Stout. Jacob Housman September 28, 1839 to June 4, 1842. After Housman, Browne Cussans, Walter and English, all of Key West. Vessel condemned on October 12 1849.MARTHA JANE
Enrollment or registry various 1830 to 1833. Built in 1830 at Edenton, N.C., a sloop of 21 81/95 tons, 38' length, 14' breadth, 5' depth, one deck, one mast, no figure head and a square stern. No previous owner shown and Jacob Housman owner December 27, 1830 to June 24, 1836. Master abstract of Enrollments surrendered at Charleston, S.C. on June 24, 1836 and no further documentation located.MOBILE
Registry 21 at Charleston. S.C. May 21, 1829. Built in 1821 at Falmouth, Maine, a schooner of 51 20/95 tons, 52' 1" length, 16' 11" breadth, 6' 10" depth, one deck, two masts, no figure head and a square stern. Previous owners, Runey, Caswell and Gowen, all of Charleston, S.C. Jacob Housman, managing owner, November 19, 1829 to February 3, 1830. Subsequent owner James Burdges of Charleston, S.C. Date, place and reason of surrender not known.SARAH ISABELLA
Enrollment and registry various 1827 to 1837. Built in 1825 at Derby, Conn., a sloop of 53 40/95 tons, 59' length, 19' 11" breadth, 5' 5" depth, one deck, one mast, Billet head and a square stern. Previous owners Kimberly and Brainard, both of N.Y. Darius Parsons and Jacob Housman, both of N.Y., September 28, 1827 to July 24, 1828. Jacob Housman of N.Y July 24 to September 25, 1828. Abraham Housman of N.Y. September 25, 1828 to February 5, 1830. George Housman of N.Y. February 5, 1830 to March 7, 1831. Jacob Housman of Indian Key March 7, 1831 to unk. Unable to verify the fate of this vessel.SYLPH
Enrollment or registry various from 1836 to 1841. Built in 1833 in Dorchester County, Md. In 1833 a schooner of 75 40/95 tons, 67' 11" length, 21' breadth, 6' 2" depth, one deck, two masts, no head figure and a square stern. Previous owner Wm Bradshaw of N.Y. Jacob Housman of Indian Key May 18, 1837 to October 14, 1841. Next owners McKinley and Underhill, both of N.Y. Registry surrendered October 13, 1842 "Vessel lost." Tonnage altered to 81 51/95 and depth to 6' 8" on August 19, 1837.THISTLE [Number 1]
Registry 24 Charleston, S.C. December 1, 1831. Two enrollments at Key West. Built in 1831 at Charleston, S.C. a sloop of 45 70/95 tons, 51' 6" length, 16' 9" breadth, 6' 4" depth, one deck, one mast, no figure head and a square stern. Owner Jacob Housman of Indian Key. Enrollment number 3 surrendered November 26, 1836 "Vessel lost."THISTLE [Number 2]
Enrollment and registry various from 1826 to 1831. Built in 1826 at Staten Island, N.Y. a schooner of 27 90/95 tons, 51' length, 17,'4" breadth, 3' 9" depth, one deck, two masts, Scroll head and of a square stern. Owners Abraham and Alfred Housman of N.Y. November 21, 1826 to July 10, 1828. Thomas Gibson, Alfred Housman and William Housman all of N.Y. July 10, 1828 to November 17, 1829. George Housman, managing owner November 17, 1829 to January 13, 1831. Jacob Housman, managing owner January 13, 1831 to unknown. Fate unknown,UNITED STATES
Registries 17, 1, 26 at Key West from July 29, 1837 to November 21, 1838. Built in 1825 at Dorchester County, Md., a schooner of 74 16/95 tons, 64' length, 24' 9" breadth, 6' 7" depth, one deck, two masts, no figure head and a square stern. Previous owners English, Cussans and Benner of Key West. Jacob Housman January 4 to November 38, 1838. Fielding Browne of Key West and was "Sold to Foreigners" on December 31, 1838.
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