1935 Hurricane



By Jerry Wilkinson 


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     DISCLAIMER: The following census was taken by the State of Florida and apparently not to 
the same standards as the U. S. Census.  All data was handwritten and often difficult to unreadable. 
Different enumerators wrote differently, used different terms and did not give their names.  I did the 
best I could translating the handwriting, especially the spelling of names.  The census did not 
delineate where a family group started or stopped. 
     In 1935 there were no boundaries for Upper Keys communities; however, community names were 
written throughout the  document. What more the enumerator evidently went from island to island 
gathering data when he could locate the residents. I tried grouping these together in the transcribing 
process.  My thoughts are in (  ).
     The "Survived/Deceased" data was written over the birthplace column on the original document
before microfilming, but obviously after the 1935 hurricane.  The actual written words were "sur" and "dead". 
The motive for these notations is not thoroughly understood.  The source, date or writer is not 
revealed and I do not know whether it can be said that those marked deceased perished solely 
because of the hurricane.  I have provided a separate column for ease of reading and took liberty 
in abbreviating to get as much as I could on each line. There will be a good chance that the columns will
not remain aligned after relayed by some browsers. The sequence is last name of the head of \
the household, first name, initial if known, survived or deceased in the hurricane, age male or female, 
race, relation to the head of the household, birthplace and the occupation as given to the census enumerator.
     This census is on 35 mm microfilm in the Monroe County library, 700 Fleming Street, Key West, 
Florida and  should be consulted directly when more accuracy is needed.
     Quoting from the Key West Citizen, dated May 14, 1935, "Final Check of Monroe Census Reveals 
Population of 13,335.
     ". . . Census by precincts in the city and county is shown as follows:
   "Precinct  1.........  936
         "         2.........  969
         "         3........1,129
         "         4........1,714
         "         5........2,682
         "         6........2,645
         "         7........2,395
         "         8........  192  [Marathon and Pigeon Key]
         "         9........  270  [Long Key ?, Craig Key, Islamorada and Windley Key]
         "       10.......   403  [Plantation Key and Key Largo]
      "The foregoing figures show that there are 12,470 souls in Key West proper and on the Florida
Keys in Monroe county [sic] 865."
       From this census an approximate number of people in the Upper Keys can be estimated. 
There would have been 673 census residents, about 750 World War One veterans and an
undeterminable number of visitors/transients. 
      There are four known individuals omitted from the census. They are:
Islamorada -
Stone, Sheldon, age 28, husband, born in Georgia and occupation 
Stone, Evenette, age 20, wife, born in Florida and occupation housewife
Stone, Helen, age 4, daughter.
Tavernier -
Carpenter,  Clifford, age 30, single, born in Alabama and occupation fishing guide
                                            Census taken from April 16 to May 12, 1935. 

(LONG KEY was not found on the microfilm roll.   J.W.)
                                   Surv/              Age 
 Name                       Dec'd.      M             F         Race         Relation         Birthplace      Occupation
Rivers,  O.E.    surv'd  50              w       alone         Ga      fisherman
Jackson, R G.     "      50              w       "             "       Bridge tender
Olson,   Ivor     "      52              w       "             Sweden  "
Sherman, Cudahy   "      50              w       "             USA     "
Nesle,   Pop      "      71              w       "             Penn    "
Pinder,  Dick    surv'd  45              w       father        Fla     fisherman
"        Mrs.     "             35       w       mother        "       hse wife
"        ??       "      6               w       son           "
"        ??       "      7               w       "             "
White,   D. 0.   surv'd  51              w       alone         Fla     fisherman
Russell, Louis   surv'd  45              w       husb          Fla
"        Mrs. L     "           23       w       wife          Mass    wife
Craig,   R. W.   surv'd  34              w       father        Ohio    Mgr/fishery
 "       Mrs.     "             29       w       mother        Fla     post mistress
"        Sally    "              1       w       dau           "
         Suzame   "              1       w       "             "
Minger,  C. M.   surv'd  38              w       alone         Fla     fisherman
Tulles,  Sidney   "      21              w       "             Ga      "
Anderson, Andy    "      48              w       "             Fla     "
Hamilton, J. W.  surv'd  42              w       husb          Fla     fisherman
         Mrs.    "               42      w       wife          Iowa    hse wife
                                              Surv/               Age 
 Name                                   Dec'd.       M           F          Race       Relation   Birthplace   Occupation
Ingraham, Robert W.    dec'd   36              w       husb    Fla     fishing
Learami  E               "             27      w       wife    "       hse  wife
Ervin                    "     10              w       son     "
Everette Ray            "               7      w        "      "
Adams,  Alfred  J.     dec'd           19      w       single  N.C     fisherman;"
Adams,  Roy C,         dec'd           17      w       single  Fla     fisherman
Pinder,  Henry         dec'd   48              w       husb    Fla     carpenter;"
"        Thelma C        "              32      w       wife    "      hse  wife
"        George  W      surv'd  16              w       son     "
"        Harry   Lee      "     14              w       "       "
"        O'Niel   A     dec'd   8               w       "       "
Williams, Edwards   M   dec'd   35              w       husb    Fla     mechanic
        Mozlle          surv'd          29      w       wife    B.W.I.
        Elizabeth         "             9       w       dau     Fla
        Evelyn            "             7       w       "       B.W.I.
        Robert E.         "     1               w       son     Fla;"
Pinder  Alvin    E      surv'd  51              w       husb    Fla    fisherman
        Lueela   I       "              52      w       wife           hse wife
        Adella M        "               9       w       dau      "
Hall    George E        dec'd   62              w       husb    Fla    farmer
        Elizabeth        "              61      w       wife     "     hse wife
        Leonard G        "      17              w       son      "                     
        Lawrence B       "      15              w       son      "
Russell Raymond         surv'd  53              w       husb    Fla    farm/fish
        Rosalee          "              50      w       wife     "     hse wife
Knowles Braham           "      23              w       "        "      
        Earl             "      16              w       "        "      student
Dumas   J.   Wade       dec'd     45             w       husb    N.Y.    hotel [Caribbee]
 "   Marie  Polk           "             41      w       wife    Md.     hse wife
Bradford, Carlton Jr.   surv'd  25               w       husb    Tenn    gen. store
 "       Elizabeth       "               24      w       wife    CO
         Betty Ann       "               2       w       dau     Fla
         Carson III      "      1/2              w
Arnold,  Edna            surv'd  6               w       single   Iowa    hse keeper
Record,  Joe             "       24              w                Tenn    dishwasher
Henderson, George        dec'd   39              b                B.W.I.  cook
Sterns,  Jimmie          surv'd  19              w                Fla     bartender       
Geiger,  D. B.            "      22              w       husb     Ga.     salesman
 "       Ruby             "              21      w       wife             hse wife
Stickney, James          surv'd  47              w       single   Fla     seaman
Kelly ,  George          "       66              w       "        N.Y.    boatman
Pooch,   Fred            surv'd   62             w       husb     Fla     trust office
"        Patrica Mary      "             15      w       dau      "
"       Francis M          "             13      w       "        "
"       Thelma Mavis       "             9       w       "        "
Besley  Earpis?         surv'd  25              w       single    Ala     accountant
Barker  John B           "      38              w       "         Virg.   clerical
Dunn    Thomas  E        "      35              w       "         Ohio    clerk
Conrad  Thomas W         "      39              w       "         Fla     draftsman

Scott,   Loring         surv'd  43              w       single    Ind.    clerical
Cresse,  Fred E         surv'd  43              w       single    Jersey  
Berry,  Mertice L       surv'd          40      w       widow     N. Jers hotel keeper
        Barbara L       "               20      w       dau       Mass.    ?
Cothron, Alonzo         surv'd  30              w       husb      Fla     carpenter
        Florence  E     "               30      w       wife      "        hse  wife
        Edwin A  Jr.    "       6               w       son       "
        Marion Jean     "               4       w       dau       "
        Shirley I       "               2       w       "         "
Wood,   James W         dec'd   57              w       husb      Tenn    fisherman
Carey,  Everette  L     surv'd  21              w       hus       Fla     newspaper     
        Dorothy         "               19      w       wife      "       hse  wife
Coleman, Elmer Parmeo   surv'd   42             w       husb      N.Y.    engineer
        Helen  S        "               47      w       wife      Ill.    hse wife
        Jerry           "        6              w       foster    Fla                        
Sweetin, Robert S       surv'd  44              w       husb      B.W.I.  carpenter
        Nellie    C     "               48      w       wife      "       hse  wife
Saunders,Herbert        dec'd   60              w       single    Fla     carpenter
Kewley, Culnver         dec'd   48              B       marr.     B.W.I.  farmer
Booth,  Andrew J        dec'd   27              w       husb      Fla     r/r pumper
        Ruth  D         "       20              w       wife      "       hse wife
Foyle,  Charles  F      surv'd  35              w       husb      Ark     farmer
        Hilda C         "               35      w       wife      Fla     hse  wife
        Charles F Jr    dec'd   16              w       son       "
        Betty  Jane     surv'd          12      w       dau       "
        Sophie  Ann     dec'd            9      w       dau       "
        Emmerson K      surv'd   5              w       son       "
Foyle   Robert M.        surv'd  25             w       husb      Ark     farmer
        Lurah           "               29      w       wife      "       hse wife
Holder  William H       "        3              w       son       Fla
Rowe    John F  surv'd  43              w       head            Ga      supt quarry
        Ethel E. E.     "               43      w       wife    Fla     hse  wife
        Marvadean       "               21      w       dau     "
        Helen   "               14      w       dau             "
Pierce  John    surv'd  41              w       head            Fla     laborer
        Hazel L "               39      w       wife            "       hse wife
        Jack    "       13              w       son             "
        Francis "               10      w       dau             "
        Edward  "         3             w       son             "        
Spitz   Raymond S       surv'd  30              w       hus      Ill.   r/r  agent
        Majorie  C      dec'd           22      w       wife     Fla    hse wife
        Raymond  S      "        4              w       son       "
Russell John   A        surv'd  47              w       hus      "      postmaster
        Emma   L        dec'd           45      w       wife     "      hse  wife
        Bernard  H      surv'd  16              w       son      "
        Irene  M        dec'd           14      w       dau      "
        Rose  Mary      "                7      w       "        "
        Rosa  Lee       "               70      w       widow    B.W.I.  hse wife    
Eubanks Aubia  W        surv'd  26              w       hus     Ga       garage mgr.
        Doris  M        dec'd           23      w       wife     Fla     hse wife
        James  A        "       4               w       son      "                                
Russell Eugene  H       dec'd   42              w       hus      Fla     farmer
        Gladys  A       "               33      w       wife     "       hse wife
        Howard  E       "        8              w       son      "
        Alberta Tay     "                4      w       dau      "
Russell Richard H.      dec'd   42              w       hus      "       hse wife
        Warren  G       surv'd  16              w       son      "
Johnson Caroline E      dec'd           65      w       widow    B.W.I.  hse wife                      
        Russell R       "       24              w       son      Fla
Russell Henry O.        dec'd   60              w       hus      Fla     farmer
        Ruby Elizabeth    "             34      w       wife     "       hse wife
        Catherine  E    "               15      w       dau      "
        Bernice  May    "               14      w       "        "
        Sarah  Ellen    "               12      w       "        "
        Charles Otis    "        9              w       son      "       
        William  Henry  "        8              w       "        "       
        Doloria  I      "                4      w       dau      "
        Hilton Leroy    "        3              w       son      "
        Carl  Edward    "        1              w       "        "
Russell Clyde  B        dec'd   33              w       hus      Fla    fisherman
        Mary  F         "               28      w       wife     "      hse  wife
        Lorraine I      "               11      w       dau      "
        Emory  Clyde    "       6               w       son      "
        William  H      "       65              w       father   "
Russell James  C        surv'd  37              w       hus      Fla    farmer
        Charlotte I     dec'd           39      w       wife     "      hse  wife
        Floyd C         surv'd  8               w       son      "
        Glenwood C      dec'd   7               w       "        "
        Phyllis  M      "               5       w       dau      "
        Florine  I      "               3       w       "        "
        James  L        "               9mos    w       son      "
Parker, William  M      surv'd  33              w       hus      Ala     r/r foreman
        Elzia  L        "               31      w       wife     "       hse  wife
Parker, Emily Jean      surv'd          7       w       dau      Fla
        James William   "       3               w       son      "
Johnson, Leo  S         surv'd  39              w       hus      Penn.   boat livery
        Agnes E         "               41      w       wife     Kent.   hse  wife
Parker, Edney  B        surv'd  48              w       hus      Fla     farm/constable
        Edna  M         "               42      w       wife     "       hse wife
        Nolan C         "       20              w       son      "
        Etta E          "               17      w       dau      "
        Lois L.         "               16      w       "        "
        Samuel E        "       13              w       son      "
        Franklin        "       11              w       "        "
        Earl  H         "       8               w       "        "
        Faye  M         "               6       w       dau      "
        Norman  F       "       3               w       son      "
        Barbara June    "               7 mos   w       dau      "
Rider,  R. U. (Jack)    surv'd  53              w       hus      N.Y.      realtor
        Yvome  E        "               19      w       wife     Fla       hse wife
Johnson, John  C        surv'd  58              w       hus      Norway    fisherman
        Mary            "               56      w       wife     Sweden    hse wife
Carey,  James           dec'd   55              w       hus      Fla       farmer
        Clara L         surv'd          46      w       wife     "         hse wife
        Franklin John   "       28              w       son      "         carpenter
        Charles   L     dec'd   24              w       son      "         mechanic
        Rosalee   F     surv'd          16      w       dau      "
Carey,  F.  John        surv'd  ?               w       hus      Fla       farmer
        Maud            dec'd           27      w       wife     "         hse wife
        Rose Jacques    "               8       w       dau      "
        Beverly June    "               2       w       "        "
Felton, Berlin E        surv'd  26              w       hus      Tenn       seaman
        Elouise  M      "               22      w       wife     Fla        hse wife
        Everette B.F.   "        4              w       son      "
        Edwin  J        surv'd  1               w       son      "        
Wallace, Charles        surv'd  23              w       hus      Fla        garage mgr.
        Karlie M        "               22      w       wife     "          hse   wife
        Ralph   0       "        3              w       son      "
King,   Orloff   D      surv'd  35              w       hus      Fla        traffic mgr.
        Elizabeth       "               26      w       wife     "          hse   wife
Sweeting, Willard   R.  "       50              w       widower  Fla        groc. owner
        Eddie           surv'd  22              w       son      "          grocery mgr.
        Alton           "       18              w       "        "          clerk
        La   Verne      le      15              w       "        "          student
Martin, Charles J       surv'd  55              w       married  Fla        tourist/camp
Watts,  Edward          dec'd   51              w       hus      S.C.       fisherman
        Edith           "               50      w       wife     Fla        hse   wife
Russell, Louis           surv'd  20             w       nephew   "          none
Frazsur, Don             dec'd   42             w       single   Fla        mason
Lowe, Teddie R           surv'd  37             w       hus      Fla        fishing
        Nena            "               35      w       wife     "          hse wife
        Warren   H      "       14              w       son      "
        Lois  M         "               12      w       dau      "
        Twialamae       "               11      w       "        "
        Teddie R Jr     "       5               w       son      "
Butters, Edward   C      surv'd  35             w       hus      Mich.      hotel [Matecumbe]
        Fern            "               38      w       wife     S. D       hse wife
        Jackie          "       12              w       dau      "
        Charles E       surv'd  60              w       father   Mich.
Perdue, Olin  E.        surv'd  28              w       hus      Ga         mechanic
        Loretta [Butters] "             22      w       wife     Mich.      hse wife
        Peter  0.       "       4               w       son      Fla
Burnett, James C        surv'd  35              B       hus      N.C.       asst cook
        Hettie          "               38      B       wife     Va         cook
Pinder, Jerome Bramhill surv'd  61              w       hus      Fla        caretaker
        Mary            dec'd           45      w       wife     "          hse wife
Busrzic, Margaret       dec'd           55      w       married  N.Y.       hse  keeper
Higgs,  Sarah           dec'd           70      b       widow    B.W.I.     laundress
Mingo, John             dec'd   68              b       married  B.W.I.     laborer
Pinder, Russell         surv'd  37              w       hus      Fla         mechanic
        Camille         dec'd           34      w       wife     "           hse wife
Roberts, Robert I       "       74              w       father   "
Fine,   Ailene          surv'd          38      w       widow    Fla         hse keeper
Woods,  James           dec'd   50              w       hus      Tenn        caretaker
        Effie E         "               40      w       wife     Fla         hse   wife
        Robert Lee      surv'd  22              w       son      "           fisherman
        Charles J.      "       19              w       "        "            "
        Dorothy         "               16      w       dau      "           student
        Ruth Lee        "                       w       dau      "    
        Mary Camille         "          11      w       "        "
        Beverly   E     dec'd            1      w       "        "                               
Pinder, Bertram  J      surv'd  38              w       hus      Fla         Anglers/Club
        Elizabeth J     "               38      w       wife     Ark         hse wife
        Alma F          "               11      w       dau      Fla
        Dolores E       "                8      w       "        "
        Joseph B        "        5              w       son      "
Pinder, Preston   B     surv'd  59              w       hus      Fla         tourist/guide
        Catherine       "               54      w       wife     "           hse wife
        Laurette L      "       16              w       dau      "
Pinder, Benjamin Lee    surv'd  55              w       hus      Fla         tourist/guide
        Yulee           "               53      w       wife     "           hse wife        
        Ferran          "       27              w       son      "           teacher
Hager,  John   H        surv'd  25              w       single   Ohio        minister
        Mabel  H        "               55      w       widow    Ind.        mother
Norwood, Louis          surv'd  21              w       single   Fla         fisherman
        Robert          "       29              w       "        "
(Windley  Key)
Russell, Lenoy          surv'd  46              w       hus      Fla       hotel
        Laura L         "               45      w       wife     "         hse  wife
Cale,   Charles  0      surv'd  36              w       hus      Fla       stone cutter
        Alice  R        "               23      w       wife     "         hse wife
        Charles O Jr.   "       l mo            w       son      "
Keith,  Cecil Jr.       "       4               w       s/son    "
        Carl 0          "       1               w       "        "
Moore,  Louis E         surv'd  20              w       hus      Fla       seaman
        Ellen           "               19      w       wife     "         hse wife
(PLANTATION  KEY, Residents considered themselves as Tavernier.) 
                        Surv'd     Age  
Name                    Dec'd.   M      F     Race    Relation   Birthplace   Occupation
Cherry, Ernest          surv'd  34              b       married N.C.         labor
Hampton, Will           "       38              b       head    Ga.          farm labor
        Nina            "               39      b       wife    Bahama       hse wife
Albury, George Wm       "       54              w       head    Fla          carpenter
        Mary Annis      "               51      w       wife    "            hse wife
        Charles Cecil   "       28              w       son     "            sch/teacher
        William Joseph  "       21              w       "       "            truck driver 
        Barbara C       "               16      w       dau     "            student
        Leander R       "       13              w       son     "            "
Tyree,  William A       dec'd   66              w       head    Kent.        carpenter
        Dolley          surv'd          49      w       wife    "            hse wife
        William Carter  "       16              w       son     "            student
        Louise          dec'd           16      w       dau     "            "
        Mazell          "               13      w       "       "            "
        Myrtle          surv'd          11      w       "       "            "
        Gerald Clayton  "                7      w       son     Fla          "
Russell, John N         "       52              w       head    Fla          carpenter
        Camille         "               28      w       wife    "            hse wife
        Caryie          "                8      w       dau     "            student
        Benjamin        "       5               w       son     "
        Hilda           "                ?       
        Nathaniel       "       60              w       head    Fla          lime/farmer
        Clara   M       "               49      w       wife    "            hse wife
Parker, Harry   S       "       49              w       head    Fla          farmer
        Emma C          "               46      w       wife    "            hse wife
Curry,  Alfred L        "       56              w       head    Nassau       farmer
Adams,  Randall         surv'd  42              w       head    Fla          farmer
        Susan           "               39      w       wife    "            hse wife
        Lois Irene      "               13      w       dau     "            student
        Robert Randall  "       8               w       son     "            "
        Betty Dolores   "                4      w       dau     "
        Norma Jewel     "                1      w       "       "
Knowles Harold          "       18              w       orphan   Fla         fisherman
        Irwin Thomas    "       20              w       rent    "            "
Neely   Lawrence D      "       35              b       head    B.W.I.       farmer
        Cathaline Eloise   "            18      b       wife    Fla          hse wife
        Verthelia       "                2      b       dau     "
Dorsett Samuel Edward   "       31              b       head    B.W.I.       farming
        Carrie Marie    "               16      b       wife    Fla          hse wife
Krieter John Winslow    "       47              w       head    Penn         musician
        Ethel Mae       "               46      w       wife    Conn.        hse wife
Smith   Almira DeHart   "               79      w       mother  N.Y.
Lowe    Cleveland       "       40              w       head    Fla          boat capt
        Naomi           "               28      w       wife    "            hse wife
        Edna            "               12      w       dau     "            student 
Maloney C??             surv' d 32              w       husb    Fla          Deputy Sheriff
        G??      "                      27      w       wife    "            hse wife
        Barbara May     "               10      w       dau     
        C?? Jr.          "      22mos.          w       son     "
Collins Julius A        surv'd  35              w       husb                 clerk
        Elise           "               36      w       wife    "            hse  wife
        Juluis A Jr     "       11              w       son     
        Mildred H       "                2      w       dau     
Lowe    Leonard         "       58              w       head    Fla          boatman
        Hanna           "               49      w       wife    Bahama       hse  wife
        Eugene          "       30              w       head    Fla          boatman
        Myrtle          "               22      w       wife    "            hse wife
        Catherine       "                3      w       dau     
        Billy           "       1               w       son     "
Williams, Reginald      "       60              b       marr'd  Bahama        laborer
        Henry           "       56              b       "       "             "
        Sara            "              38       b       "       "             "
        Margaret        "              29       b       wife    Fla           hse wife
        Lucindice       "              13       b       dau     "
        Rozelia         "               8       b       "       "
        Floyd           "       8               b       son     "
        Mary            "               3       b       dau     "
        Mirian          "               1       b       "       "               
Albury  Gilbert         "       55              b       husb                  farmer
        Lisadora        "              41       b       wife                  hse wife
        Thomas          "       17              b       son                   laborer
        Charles         "       11              b       "
        Rose Marie      "               1       b       dau
Thompson, Alfonso       "       38              w       head    Ala           section/foreman
        Myrtle E        "       27              w       wife    Ga            hse  wife
Archer  Kemeth          "       21              w       head    Fla           road/dept
Archer  Lois Lynn       surv'd  1               w       dau     "
        Mildred Lynn    "               ?
Albury  Paul Everett    "       31              w       head    Fla           road/dept
        Doris           "       24              w       wife    "             hse wife
        Paul Everett Jr. "       7              w       son     "
Vichers Almon           "       46              w       head    Fla           road/dept
        Hilda Veronia   "              27       w       wife    "             hse wife                        
        Louis           "       10              w       son     "
        Florence R      "               6       w       dau     "
Maloney Raymond M       "       34              w       head    Fla           clerk
        Annie L         "               5       w       wife    "             hse wife
Donaldson, Glairvee     "       29              w       head    Ala           barber
        Leona           "              27       w       wife    Fla           hse wife
        Glairvee        "       5               w       son     "
Curry   William Gideon  "      39               w       head    Fla           labor foreman
        Ruby Isabelle   "              34       w       wife    "             hse wife
        Barbara Louise  "              14       w       dau     "             student
Combs   James Robert    "       55              w       head    Va.           constr/foreman
        Hattie          "              55       w       wife    Kent.         hse wife
White   Charles R       "       35              w       head    Ill.          merchant
        Irma            "              29       w       wife    Kent.         hse wife
Lowe    E.  R. [Doc]    "       55              w       head    Wis.          Justice Peace
        Alice L         "              48       w       wife    Fla           hse wife
        Claude F        "       26              w       head    "             electr/mech
        Mary Louise     "              25       w       wife    "             hse wife
        Jerry Adin      "       0               w       son     "
Reese   Austin Lynear   "       31              w       head    Ga.          diesel/eng
        Janice Faye     "              21       w       wife    Fla          hse wife
McKenzie, Hubert Sherman "      35              w       head    Ill.         merchant
        Hazel           "              29       w       wife    Fla          hse wife
        Joan            "               6       w       dau     "            student
        John Reese      "       2               w       son     "
Harris  Harry Samuel?   "       32              w       single  Ill.         truck driver            
McKinney, Frank         "       44              b       head    Bahama       farm labor
Sands   Norberg         "       36              b       head    Fla          laborer
        Olive           "              28       b       "       "            hse keeper
Henfield, Albert        "       28              w       single  Bahama       laborer 
Albury  Charles F       "       39              w       head    Fla          carpenter
        Florence E      "              ?        w       dau     "            student
        Charles F. Jr   "       ?               w       son     "
        Ada   E.        "              11       w       dau     "            "
Stouffer, Elwin         "       24              w       head    Ohio         hotel/mgr
        Elizabeth       "              24       w       wife    Penn.        hse  wife
        Judith Hope     "               1       w       dau     Ohio
        Susan Eliz      "               3       w       "       "
Gardner Aron            "       95              b       single  Bahama       laborer
McDonald, Seymour C     "       46              w       head    Canada       garage
        Helen J         "              35       w       wife    Ill.         hse wife
Persons Beatrice        "              38       w               N. H.        hse keeper
Pracht  R. M.           "       42              w               Tenn.        nurse
Good    John            "       31              w       head    Ga.          supply clerk
        Mary            "              31       w       wife    Ohio         hse  wife
        John III        "       2               w       son     Ga.
Albury  Roger L         "       45              w       head    Fla          farmer
        Sarah L         "              37       w       wife    "            hse  wife
        Anthony R       "       9               w       son     "            student
        Ray Stewart     "       4               w       "       "
        Kenneth R       "       0               w       "       "
Pinder  John [Brush] W  "       64              w       head    Fla          farmer
        Ida E           "              62       w       wife    "            hse  wife
Albury  Robert Harold   "       37              w       head    Fla          student
        Avis E          "               ?       w
Sterling, Mervin        "       44              w       head    Fla          fisherman
        Amutal          "              46       w       wife    "            hse  wife
Burns   Elisbal         "       81              w       single  N. Y.
Albury  Joseph          "       72              w       head    Fla          farmer
        Howard          "       29              w       son     11           laborer
Saunders, George Edward "       48              w       head    Fla          road/foreman
        Flovian         "              49       w       wife    "            hse  wife
        Oliver Herbert  "       9               w       son     "            student
Hayes   Harrison        "       32              b       head    Ga.          r/r laborer
        Ellie Mae       "              30       b       wife    "            hse wife
        Luenell         "              11       b       dau     "            student
Hayes   Walter          "       9               b       son     "
Thomas  Nelson          "       23              b       head    "            section gang
        Katie           "              24       b       wife    "            hse wife
        Dorothy         "               6       b       dau     "
        James           "       3               b       son     "
Wright  John            "       22              b       head    S.C.         FEC sect gang
        Arvetter        "              26       b       wife    Ga.          hse keeping
Taylor  Gus             "       38              b       single  Bahama       FEC sect gang
Pinder  William         Surv'd  22              w       head    Fla          truck driver
        Helen           "              15       w       wife    "            hse wife
Hodges  Milton          "       21              w       single  Ga.          truck driver
Kludone Hans            "       55              w       single  Austria      merchant
Albury  Willard         "       49              w       head    Fla          road  dept
        Tresa           "              35       w       wife    N.C.         hse  wife
        Mary Eliz       "       12              w       dau     Fla          student
        Tresa M.        "               7       w       "       "            "
Bishop  Troy A          "       35              w       head    Kan          merchant
        Carol           "              34       w       wife    N.J.         hse wife
        Robert Troy     "       11              w       son     Fla          student
        Jacqulyn        "              10       w       dau     "            "
Albury  Rodney          "       45              w       head    Fla          carpenter
        Myrtle Valeria  "              36       w       wife    "            hse wife
        Marjorie G      "              14       w       dau     "            student
        Rodney Edward   "        9              w       son     "            "
        William Raymond "        7              w       "       "            "
        May Rose        "               4       w       dau     "            "
        Ada Eliza       "       74              w       G/moth  "            hse wife
Thagard Mary L          "              47       w       dau     "            seamtress
Loper   David absent    "                       w       husb    Fla          Deputy sheriff
        Elva  absent    "              ?        w       wife    "            hse   wife
Thompson, Charles Marvin "      34              w       son     Fla          broker
        Will Anthony    "       23              w       bro.    "            electric mech
        Robert Hilburn  "                       w       "       "            deputy sheriff
Richter John            "                       w       single  Holland      derrick rigger
Johnson Thomas          surv'd  63              w       head    Fla          ret'd captain
        Ellen           "              62       w       wife    "            hse wife
Williams, Robert        "       31              b       head    Nassau       carpenter
        Florena         "              28       b       wife    Fla          hse wife
        Robert   Jr.    "       6               b       son     "
        Betty           "               4       b       dau     "
        Dolores Idella  "               0       b       "       "
Culmer  Sam             "       47              w       single  Nassau        farmer
Sands   Richard A       "       63              w       "       "             "
Carr    Theopolis       "       65              b       head    Bahama        farmer
        Savuletta       "              51       b       wife    "             hse wife
Blotch  George          "       28              b       son     Fla           laborer
Donatham, Henry         "       49              b       single  Bahama        laborer
Fimerty Cecil Joseph    "       24              w       husb    Tenn.         lime grower
        Gertrude        "              22       w       wife    Fla           hse wife
Brown   Robert H        "       34              b       marr'd                laborer
        Alice           "              29       b       wife                  laundress
Albury  William         "       34              b       marr'd  Bahama        farmer
        Eliza           "              25       b       wife    "             hse wife
        Mary Ruth       "               9       b       dau     Fla           student
        Joseph          "       7               b       son     "
        Thomas          "       5               b       "       "
        William Jr.     "       3               b       "       "
        Margaret        "               1       b       dau     "
Wroten  Harry           dec'd   ?               b       hus                    shopkeeper
        Mrs.  Harry     "               ?       b       wife                   hse wife

(ROCK HARBOR About MM95 to MM101)
                        Surv'd     Age  
Name                   Dec'd.   M      F    Race     Relation   Birthplace   Occupation
Miller, Taylor Jackson  dec'd   45              w       single  Ark.          merchant
Sawyer, George W        surv'd  35              w       hus     Bahama        fishing
        Emma  Ellen     "              30       w       wife    Fla           hse   wife
        George Frederic "       8               w       son     "
        Alberta         "               5       w       dau     "
        Carl  Kenneth   "       2               w       son     "
Pinder, Henry  L        "       56              w       hus     Fla           own farmer
        Emena           "              55       w       wife    "             hse   wife
Bain,   Abbie           "       55              b       hus     Bahama        lime grower
        Hattie          "              43       b       wife    "             hse   wife
        Charles         "       17              b       son     Fla
Clark,  Stanley         surv'd  9               b       hus     Bahama        farming
        Olive           "              17       b       wife    Fla           hse  wife
Larrimore, John         "       29              b       hus     Fla           auto mechanic
        Inez            "              25       b       wife    Ga.           hse  wife
        Juanita         "               9       b       dau     "
Neely   Irving H        "       39              b       single  Bahama        farmer
Albury  Oliver          "       54              w       head    Fla           armer
        Romaldar        "              51       w       wife    Bahama        hse  wife
        Merril          "       18              w       son     Fla           farmer
        Harry           "       12              w       son     Fla           student
        Louis           "              31       w       head    Fla           hwy const
        Rosaland        "       25              w       son     "
        Gerald          "        ?              w       son     "
        Royce           "       2               w       "       "
Lofton  W. A.  Sr.      "       63              w       head    Ga.           broker
        Ama W           "              63       w       wife    Penn.         hse  wife
Clive   W. B. absent    "       76              w       hus     Conn.         farmer
        Marie           "              59       w       wife    Ohio          hse  wife
McPherson, Charles B    "       47              w       husb    Mo.           gas  station
        Ann B           "              39       w       wife    Fla           lunch room
Gwilyn  Beulah A        "       30              w       widow   Fla           clerk
        Beulah K        "               3       w       dau     "
Albury  Edmond Wilson   "       64              w       head    Bahama        lime grower
        Elizabeth       "              50       w       wife    "             hse  Wife
        Charles         "       23              w       son     Fla           road dept
        Henry           "       19              w       "       "             farming
        Golden          "       16              w       dau     "             hse keeper
Felton  J.  Thomas      survd   61              w       father                lime grower
        Mary E.         "             50        w       wife    Fla           hse wife
        Edith E.        "       22              w       dau     "             student
        Harold          "       20              w       son     "             "
        Maurice         "       18              w       "       "             "
Felton  Merril Thomas   "       32              w       hus     Fla           lime grower
        Laura C         "             28        w       wife    "             hse  ife
        Rose  Mary      "              9        w       dau     "             student
        Robert Merril   "       6               w       son     "             "
Garrett, Clinton O.     "       52              w       hus     Ohio          lime grower
        Malsie          "             49        w       wife    "             hse  wife
Albury, John F          surv'd  38              w       hus     Fla           carpenter
        Edna L          "             32        w       wife    "             hse  wife
        John Jr .       "       14              w       son     "             student
        Carl Jackson    "       11              w       "       "             "
        William Jerald  "       3               w       "       "
        Ellen Lucielle  "             16        w       dau     "             hse keeper
        Lita Gene       "       6               w       "       "             student
Pinder, Sara Eliz       "             70        w       mother  Bahama        hse keeper
Albury, W. Beauregard   "       48              w       head    Fla           farmer
        Mary E          "             43        w       wife    Bahama        hse wife
Peavy,  Howell          "       29              w       hus     Ga.           sect foreman
        Coriane         "             28        w       wife    "             hse wife
        Howell Vinson   "        1              w       son     "
Bruce,  Winnie          "             60        b       widow   Ga.           hse  wife
        Joe Thomas      "       31              b       son     "             farming
Walker, Willie          "       26              b       single  Fla           laborer
Rich,   Cleveland       "       39              b       hus     Ga.           "
Taylor, James           "       22              b       single  S.C.          "
Gun,    John            "       29              b       hus     Puer. R       laborer
        Nellie          "             23        b       wife    Ala.          hse  wife
Jones,  Willie          "       25              b       hus     "             laborer
Bethel, James Bunion    "       65              w       hus     Bahama        lime grower
        Lillian         "             58        w       wife    "             hse  wife
        Lilia E         "             22        w       dau     Fla           hse keeper
        James Freeman   "       2               w       son     "             fisherman
Bethel, James M.        "       39              w       hus     Bahama        farmer
        Matilda L       "             29        w       wife    "             hse wife
Taylor, Lewis V         "       16              w       nephew  "             student
Spencer, John C         "       43              w       single   Fla          sport fish
Curry,  Norman E        "       69              w       head    Bahama        farmer
        Ellen J         "             64        w       wife    "             hse  wife
        John  A         "       28              w       son     "             bus   driver
Russell, James Harold   "       28              w       hus     Fla           sch teacher
        Florence Marie  "             22        w       wife    "             hse  wife
        Harvey          "       7               w       son     "             student
        Henry           "       7               w       "       "
Curry,  William Cyril   "       35              w       husb    Fla           fishing
        Bertha Louise   "             34        w       wife    "             hse  wife
        Mayfield        "       11              w       dau     "             student
        William C. Jr.  "       8               w       son     "
(Newport, About MM101 to 103)
                       Surv'd      Age  
Name                   Dec'd.   M      F      Race    Relation  Birthplace   Occupation
Cooper, Charles F       "       42              b      single   Bahama        laborer
Davis,  Harry           "       38              b       marr'd  "             "  
Forbes, Benjamin        "       30              b       "       "             "
Grey,   John            "       25              b       "       "             "
Higgs,  Richard         "       53              b       "       "             "  
Musgrove, James         "       36              b       "       "             "
Reckley, William A      "       65              b       "       "             "
Smith,  Kewley          "       50              b       singl   "             laborer
        Alexander       "       40              b       husb    "             "
        Clara           "             38        b       wife    S.C.          "
        Libertha        "       14              b       dau     "             "
        William         "       9               b       son     "  
Sands,  James           "       41              b       "       "             "
Bethel, Richard         "       36              b       "       Bahama        "

(KEY LARGO, about MM103 to MM106)
                        Surv'd      Age  
Name                    Dec'd.   M      F      Race   Relation   Birthplace   Occupation
Margaret, Wynda         surv'd          59      w       widow   N. J.         laundress
Blount, Frank R         "       65              w       hus     Fla           fish/lodge
        Emley D         "               58      w       wife    Va            hse  wife
Turner, William S       "       38              w       single  Miss.         fish/guide
Lauringer, Edward R     "       46              w       head    Penn.         lodge/opertr
        Ethel           "               40      w       wife    "             hse  wife
Smith,  George W        "       56              w       single  Ver.          carpenter
Engle,  John            "       21              w       "       Ill.          electrician
George L                "       57              w       "       "             ret'd/dentist
Curry,  T. Jenkins      "       56              w       "       Bahama        broker
Bushea, Ray             "       25              w       "       Ohio          iceman
Chapman, A. B.          "       61              w       "       England       lime/grower
Sands,  E. A.          "        36              w       hus     Fla           farmer
        Constance       "               35      w       wife    Bahama        hse  wife
        Ivy             "       13`             w       son     Fla
        Coralia         "               9       w       dau     "
Huston, Irwin           "       43              w       single  Texas         fishing
Stiller, Gretcher       "       54              w       widow   W.Va.         laborer
Weatherford, Willie Simon "     ?               w
Sterling, Perdita         "             8       w       niece   Fla           student
Dean, David             "       36              b       hus     Bahama        farrn/laborer
Forbes, James           "       32              b       hus     Bahama        farm/laborer
        Flora           "               31      b       wife    Fla           hse  wife
        Janis           "               16      b       dau     "             hse/keeper
McKinney, Mabel         "               34      w       single  Ill.          restrau/keeper
Harris, Earnest         "       27              w       single  Ill.          filling/station
Bradley, Ben            "       38              b       hus     Fla           faming
        Alice           "               26      b       wife    S.C.          cook
Knowlson, Dr. T.H.      "       38              w       hus     Penn.         fish/lodge
        Laura           "               35      w       wife    Ill.          hse wife
        Thomas          "       4               w       son     Fla
Hoover, Crawford        surv'd  37              w       hus     Fla           boat/capt.
        Thelma          "               27      w       wife                  hse wife
        Louis Harris    "       9               w       son     "
Wilson, Mrs. Bertie     "               40      w       widow   Ga            trn'd/nurse
Newton, Frank K.        dec'd   58              w       hus     Ill.          steward
Irwin,  Arthur          surv'd  20              w       single  Fla           fisherman 
Anderson, Joseph Aguila   "       61            b       hus     Bahama        lime/grower
        Florie          "       51              b       wife    "             hse/keeper
        Lenora (absent) "               17      b       dau     Fla           student
        Peter E.(absent)"       59              b       head    Bahama        farmer
        Margaret        "               59      b       wife                  hse/keeper
Liger,  G.C.            "       42              w       single  Fla           lime/grower
Clapp,  Richard         "       22              w       single  Ind.          steward
Harrell, Earl Lee       "       30              w       wife    Fla           hse wife
Parker, Howard C        "       39              w       father  Fla           farmer
        Elizabeth       "               33      w       wife    "             hse wife
        Howard A        "       16              w       son     "             student
        Alvin B         "       15              w       "       "             "
        Dorothy A       "               13      w       dau     "             "
        Charles F       "       11              w       son     "             "
        John Irvin      "        8              w       son     "             "
        Violet Grace    "               5       w       dau     "
        Beverly Jane    "               2       w       dau     "
        Cleora Joyce    "               0       w       "       "
Southerland, Joseph     surv'd  42              b       head    Nassau        laborer
        Leola absent    "               30      b       wife    Fla           hse/keeper
Blatch, W.J.            "       51              b       single  Bahama        carpenter
Johnson, John B         "       54              b       widower Bahama        laborer
Lowe,   Henry           "       40              b       marr'd  Bahama        laborer
Thompson, Jesse         "       55              b       single  S.C.          "

                       Surv'd      Age  
Name                   Dec'd.   M      F      Race    Relation  Birthplace    Occupation                        
Knight, William         "       55              w       head    Fla            bridge/tender
        Julia           "               35      w       wife    "              hse wife
Handcock, Blondel       "       16              w       son     "              box maker
        Manuel          "       15              w       son     "              student
        Fredrica        "       12              w       dau     "              "
        Ruth            "                9      w       "       "              "
        Kenneth         "        6              w       son     "              "
                   - - - - THE END - - - - 
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